Monday, 08 February 2021 13:26

Dr. Simone Gold: America's Frontline Doctors Information about COVID-19 Vaccine (full video)


Here are the summary recommendations from America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Regarding COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines:

Prohibited for the young, Discouraged for the healthy middle-aged and Optional for the co-morbid and elderly.

• 0-20 years old: prohibited (exceedingly low risk from COVID, unknown risk of autoimmune disease, unknown risk of pathogenic priming, risk of lifelong infertility)

• 20-50 healthy: strongly discouraged (exceedingly low risk from COVID, unknown risk of auto-immune disease, unknown risk of pathogenic priming, risk of lifelong infertility)

• 50-69 & healthy: strongly discouraged (low risk from COVID, unknown risk of auto-immune disease, unknown risk of pathogenic priming, unknown effect on placenta and spermatogenesis.

• 50-69 & co-morbid: discouraged (experimental vaccine is higher risk than early)

• >70 & healthy: personal risk assessment (experimental vaccine is higher risk than early or prophylactic treatment with established medications)

• >70 & co-morbid: personal risk assessment & advocacy access (experimental vaccine early or prophylactic treatment with established medications)


Further Reading:

What you need to know about the COVID Vaccine

The Covid Deception Serves An Undeclared Agenda

The Covid Pandemic Is The Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment

Why do antibodies fade after a COVID-19 infection, and will the same thing happen with vaccines?

Last modified on Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:43
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