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Pennsylvania’s legislators have introduced a good bill to prohibit public and private entities from requiring vaccines, government restrictions on freedom of worship, curfews, and restrictions on businesses.
...followed by Alia Capodici, a 42-year-old Bucks County mother whose life was negatively affected when she had an adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Before I received my second Pfizer vaccine, which turned our lives upside down, I was an active, happy single parent who worked full-time as a matchmaker,” Capodici said. “The first side effects happened immediately in the Walgreens. I started sweating. I was nauseous and dizzy.”
Watch the video on RUMBLE:
Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections
Exercises for producing expanded human consciousness: hypnosis, Kundalini meditation, biofeedback, astral projection, outer body experiments, and other altered states of mind.
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Puran Bair, M.S.
Research at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany, in 1997, showed that it is possible to produce visible light from the chest area under certain conditions. The first condition is that the meditation technique must be heart-centered, not transcendent. Secondly, a specific person with an actual need must be identified as a receiver of the transmitted light. Under these conditions, a sustained light emission of 100,000 photons per second was measured, where only the background count of 20 photons per second was observed without meditation.
Fibrositis is a painful condition that is characterized by widespread pain with multiple tight and tender spots in the muscles. These are felt as cordlike fibers of muscle in the surrounding, relaxed musculature. Symptoms include pain, fatigue, stiffness, sleep disturbances, an irritable bowel, muscle twitching, frecp.ient urination. premenstrual syndrome. headaches, anxiety, mood swings. poor concentration and memory, and balance problems, among others. The condition appears to be exacerbated by damp weather, intense activity, and stress. Sufferers are predominantly female Caucasians, and the severity (in this case, the number of tender spots on the muscles) increases with age. The Cause is largely unknown, although it is thought to be related to allergies, chemical sensitivities, and toxicity, as well as an individual's stress and anxiety.
If you or someone you love have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, chances are you’ve been told that your body is attacking itself. Hearing this probably stripped you of hope that you can heal and left you feeling betrayed by your own body. Today there are countless mysterious diseases that have been labeled as autoimmune conditions. But the problem is that the concept of autoimmunity is inherently flawed and this mistaken theory only hurts you and your loved ones in the end. Surprised? When we believe our own bodies are attacking themselves, we are unknowingly hindering our healing process. Our immune systems can weaken in the absence of this truth: Your body never attacks itself. It’s always working for you and loves you unconditionally. It’s never been more critical for you and your loved ones to know and feel this truth in your heart. It will greatly support you and those you care about to heal.
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Throughout life, your body is bombarded with traumas, big and small. The big traumas are easy to remember. But the small ones are often things you don’t even think of as traumas: a fall that you recover from within a week, a twinge in your back when you reach into the back seat of the car, a stiff neck after you sleep in an odd position.
Each time, your body compensates: to avoid pain, absorb the force of an impact, support poor posture, or work around a new movement limitation. It finds the path of least resistance.
Over time, you incorporate the compensations into your overall pattern of movement. Maybe you move differently to avoid pain, or avoid certain positions altogether. You may not even notice your “new normal”.
Vials of a polio vaccine made by Cutter Laboratories in 1955. (AP) By Michael E. Ruane April 14, 2020 at 7:00 a.m. EDT On Aug. 30, 1954, Bernice E. Eddy, a veteran scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., was checking a batch of a new polio vaccine for safety.
Created by Jonas Salk, the vaccine was hailed as the miracle drug that would conquer the dreaded illness that killed and paralyzed children. Eddy’s job was to examine samples submitted by the companies planning to make it.
As she checked a sample from Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, Calif., she noticed that the vaccine designed to protect against the disease had instead given polio to a test monkey. Rather than containing killed virus to create immunity, the sample from Cutter contained live, infectious virus.
Something was wrong. “There’s going to be a disaster,” she told a friend.
"AT THE FIRST SIGN OF A VIRAL ILLNESS I ENCOURAGE MY PATIENTS TO START MY VIRAL PROTOCOL OF TAKING VITAMINS A, C, D AND IODINE. Due to the severity of COVID, I now recommend starting to nebulize hydrogen peroxide and iodine early into the illness as well."
At my office, the Center for Holistic Medicine (CHM), we have had 85 COVID patients. At this time, no one has been hospitalized, no one has been diagnosed with pneumonia, and there have been no deaths.
There are five practitioners at CHM: Drs. Brownstein, Ng, Nusbaum, Jenny Drummond, PA, and Taylor Easson, NP. Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, I have been asking my partners how their COVID patients are doing. As of this week, we have had 85 patients either diagnosed with COVID or suspected COVID. I am pleased to report that our patients are doing well with this illness. (Note, since new guidelines have come out stating that any suspected COVID patient can be diagnosed with COVID, I am lumping COVID and suspected COIVD patients together for this post.)
– Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)