Sunday, 15 November 2015 15:04

Supplements for Lyme Disease Treatment in Dogs

The general diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease in dogs is similar to humans.  Dogs get the same antibiotic, Doxycycline.  And they show similar symptoms, including lethargy, joint pain (limping, particularly if the dog limps on the right leg on one day, and the left leg another), fever…

I also asked a local veterinarian about giving vitamins & supplements to canines.  Here is what they said:

 They make almost all of these in “dog products” so look for those.

  • Vitamin C: Yes
  • Probiotics: Yes (no Xylitol)
  • Multi-Vitamin: Yes (use a dog-specific)
  • CoQ-10: Yes
  • Alpha lipoic acid: Yes
  • Vitamin B (complex): Yes
  • Essential Fatty Acids: Yes (use the Omega True Benefits for purity and dog safety)
  • Magnesium: Yes (included in multivitamin)
  • Vitamin D: Yes (included in multivitamin, careful not to over supplement)
  • Milk Thistle: Yes
  • Cranberry: In Moderation
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Yes (use dog specific)



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Last modified on Wednesday, 24 February 2021 14:38
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