Monday, 13 August 2018 17:18

How to represent yourself in court - PA local magistrate (small claims court) example

The following documents are not constituted to be legal advise.  Please consult an actual attorney if you have any questions about your case or particular situation.  

I used the following as a reference when I purchased a Jeep from an out of state seller that majorly misrepresented the condition of the vehicle.  I won by default because they had no defense.  Easy, open and shut case.  So I am providing the information in hopes that it helps someone in a similar situation.


  • You must send a corrected copy of this letter (pdfEXAMPLE 1) to the defendant by first class mail, return address included, and also on the envelope.  Make and keep a copy of the letter AND the envelope, and the date that you sent it.  You have to wait ten (10) days from the mailing date, if you do not receive an answer, or if the letter is not returned undelivered, service on the defendant is complete. 
  • Wait a total of fifteen (15) days after mailing, go to the Prothonotary’s office with this proof and a corrected copy of pdfEXAMPLE 2 to request a praecipe for the default judgement, you must also include a corrected copy of pdfEXAMPLE 3 and pdfEXAMPLE 4.  
  • After that they should issue pdfEXAMPLES 5 & pdfEXAMPLE 6.  You must include a self addressed envelope at the prothonotary’s office at this time.   
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