Exercises for producing expanded human consciousness: hypnosis, Kundalini meditation, biofeedback, astral projection, outer body experiments, and other altered states of mind.
Original document:
Note that this video demonstrates the 20180601 version of the software.
What is Biofeedback?
It uses computerized biofeedback to measure subtle reactive patterns during the assessment and “feeds back” information to aid and entrain the body to regulate itself. It works by reducing the stresses on a body at the electro-magnetic level caused by toxins, food, environment, genetics and lifestyle. You use the computer send frequencies (signals) to the body to open up the energy flow, while stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms, and returning the body to homeostasis- natural state of equilibrium. Establishing an energy balance eliminates the primary causes for the emergence of diseases and releases very therapeutic effects. The entire process is safe, gentle, and non-invasive.
First, what I am about to discuss is not medical advice. I am not saying that any of this can cure, treat, or heal you from disease. I am not a doctor. I am not a medical professional, the following information is provided for “entertainment purposes.”
- Steve Jobs