Monday, 13 August 2018 19:04

Connecting the dots between stress, pain, cancer, and chronic illnesses.

Consider the muscles in your neck between your head and right shoulder.


I’ve been using this visualization technique to help me with stretching my neck, shoulders, back, lower back, and hips. I’ve found that I am better able to “click” things back into position, like I’m my own chiropractor. I imagine that all of the muscles in my body are a series of rubber bands. Sometimes, the rubber band ties itself in a knot, or slips out of position. A common one is in your neck / shoulder area, when a particular muscle should be on top or side of your shoulder socket and switches to the opposite.



Last modified on Monday, 04 April 2022 13:49
Comments (2)
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Thank you for this post. I have an appt with Dr Cinelli in July. Ate you saying you needed the tonsils and appendix removed to heal. Or that those organs were affected by stress and muscle tension?

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@Deb - The tonsils were removed when I was less than 10 years old. And the appendix was in my 20's, probably more around the time my Lyme flared up. Most likely both are related more to stress and muscle tension but perhaps the Lyme made things...

@Deb - The tonsils were removed when I was less than 10 years old. And the appendix was in my 20's, probably more around the time my Lyme flared up. Most likely both are related more to stress and muscle tension but perhaps the Lyme made things worse.

I'm pretty confident if I could have gone back and "coached" myself during these surgeries I could have avoided them altogether and kept all of my original organs.

Nate Covington
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