Massage Roller

You may have already found my previous articles discussing stretches and exercises for lower back pain, and the follow-up article after I started seeing a GOOD chiropractor.  For me, the neck exercises were helpful after my lower back issues were straightened out.  My worst pain was in the L4 / L5 disc, which the chiropractor popped back into place after 4 adjustments.  This was the first step in my recovery.  Now, I'm trying to re-train my muscles such that my posture is correct.

I find it ironic that humans are the only animal ‘lucky’ enough to walk upright, when so many suffer from lower back pain. I’ve got a slightly bulged disc in my lower back that was diagnosed in 2007. I've been through the whole process: X-Ray, MRI, pain medication, and physical therapy.

Some people suffer from lower back pain due to an injury or accident, I believe mine is mainly due to bad posture and lack of exercise. I seem to go through cycles; one week, I’m doing push-ups and sit-ups, my back feels great, and I start slacking on the exercise. I get lazy. Then the pain comes back and I start doing push-ups again. Rinse, lather, repeat.

  • "Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues."

    - Proverbs 17:28

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