Monday, 19 June 2023 08:46

Bucks County Mother Negatively Affected by COVID-19 Vaccine

...followed by Alia Capodici, a 42-year-old Bucks County mother whose life was negatively affected when she had an adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine.

“Before I received my second Pfizer vaccine, which turned our lives upside down, I was an active, happy single parent who worked full-time as a matchmaker,” Capodici said. “The first side effects happened immediately in the Walgreens. I started sweating. I was nauseous and dizzy.

“Over the course of the next two months, the symptoms progressed to the point where I went from being a full-time employee and an active single mom, to a fully incapacitated adult unable to even care for myself or my four-year-old daughter,” Capodici said while crying. “My family feared that I was dying, and so did I. My daughter wondered what had happened to her mom.”


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I too was negatively affected by my second Covid shot ( I won’t refer to it as a vaccine) I still feel bad affects to my body today . What the heck did they give us ?????
Patricia Renner
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