Monday, 19 August 2019 10:26

Meditation can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease: study

Editor's Note: This is a great article but doesn't go into WHY meditation helps with alzheimers.  My belief is that alzheimers (and dementia) are caused by a general level of toxicity in the body.  Parasites and worms, which normally live in your gut, start to increase in population as your health declines.  Once these parasites and worms start to make their way to the brain, we start using words like dementia and alzheimer's.  

Mindfulness is more than good for the soul.

According to a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, it can also help prevent those with mild cognitive impairment from developing Alzheimer’s.

The small pilot study explored how meditation can serve as an alternative to drugs in treating those with declining brain function. Meditation, researchers found, can help relieve chronic stress, which has been found to negatively impact the brain and increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s.

“Our study showed promising evidence that adults with MCI can learn to practice mindfulness meditation, and by doing so may boost their cognitive reserve,” says lead study author Rebecca Erwin Wells.

Scientists looked at 14 men and women aged 55 to 90 with diagnosed MCI and had nine of them do an eight-week mindfulness meditation or yoga course. Those who completed the course showed trends towards better cognitive health and a better understanding of what it means to be mindful, the study found.

“While the concept of mindfulness meditation is simple, the practice itself requires complex cognitive processes, discipline and commitment,” says Wells. “This study suggests that the cognitive impairment in MCI is not prohibitive of what is required to learn this new skill.”

Meditation has also recently been linked with a more satisfactory life, as it helps them feel more connected.

Other recent breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s research include the development of a blood test possibly capable of detecting disease symptoms before they appear and a study that found that a healthy lifestyle can offset chances of developing the disease.

[original article]


Last modified on Monday, 19 August 2019 10:33
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