Friday, 26 October 2018 07:39

Yoga & Yoga Breathing

If you haven't tried yoga for strengthening your core muscles and correcting posture-related neck and back pain issues before, we recommend trying it in the comfort of your own home.  It is important to note, however, that if you are experiencing pain, STOP.  A good Yoga instructor can help you exercise and work your way into more advanced positions by showing you alternative exercises while your body builds the necessary core strength. 

If you're not ready to start practicing yoga yet, you can get started in the "mental" aspects of breathing.  Proper breathing is a foundation of Yoga and everyone can benefit from learning:

pdfScience of Breath (free eBook)

pdfUltimate Guide to Yoga for Healing (free eBook)


Book Recommendation:
You are the Placebo, by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Science Behind Yoga: Video

Click here to watch on


Yoga for Beginners:


Last modified on Friday, 26 October 2018 07:41
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