Monday, 18 May 2020 15:15

2020 Census Workers: Not Following State Mandated Masking Orders

Note: This article was originally posted on


Update 5/20/20 @ 10:30:
I did some more research on the 2020 Census and it seems the driver in our area is likely part of the "Update Leave" part of the census, where they send drivers to areas without postal service.  However, the strange part is our area ALSO received those postcards.  Not sure why this happened, it should only be one or the other during this phase of the census.  FYI, the actual "Door knocking" part of the census begins on August 11, 2020.  



Update 5/19/20 @ 8:40am - Message from neighbor:
Nate: This Census dude actually is a big question mark. I filed a police report on him. He dropped off somebody else's census on my porch. I drove around the neighborhood until I found the house it belonged to, and delivered it. He came back THE NEXT DAY and was attempting to come up my driveway to drop off another packet. I chased him off, but then grew suspicious. He has been wandering around the area for several days now. Since you obtained a picture of his car, I'm turning it over to the police to investigate.


Original Article:

Why are Census workers driving around, against "social distancing" orders, not wearing masks, in a "red county"?  

I was surprised, let's say, when this 2020 Census worker pulled into my driveway on Saturday May 16, around 4pm. 

Further, we had already completed the census online, on April 2nd!  He had no reason to even pull in. 

There's no app for that?

If the government response is this bungled how can we trust them to handle important things like testing and vaccines? 


Read 873 times Last modified on Sunday, 28 March 2021 08:08
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