Sunday, 24 January 2021 21:49

Constitution For The United States

First, an observation that our founding fathers never wrote the constition "of" the United States.  According to Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, below are the legal definitions of the word "for" and "of" so that you can see the difference.

I'm not going to try and discuss the legal difference between the words "of" and "for" - but see for yourself that they are legally different. 

Read and think for yourself!  


Constitution for the United States

(The way it was originally written)

Constitution of the United States

(The United States Corporation that was formed in 1871 after the US Civil War)

This is a new heading that politicians later added as either a heading, title, or cover sheet in to preceed the actual US Constituion that everyone recognizes.  It's hidden in plain sight using legalese!  

Fr. In French law, a tribunal. Le for interieur, the interior forum; the tribunal of conscience.

In behalf of, in place of, in lieu of, instead of, repre­ senting, as being which, or equivalent to which, and sometimes imports agency. Medler v. Henry, 44 N.M. 63, 97 P.2d 661, 662. During; throughout; for the period of, as, where a notice is required to be published "for" a certain number of weeks or months. Duration, when put in connection with time. Progressive Building & Loan Ass'n v. McIntyre, 169 Tenn. 491, 89 S.W.2d 336, 337.

In consideration for; as an equivalent for; in ex­ change for; in place of; as where property is agreed to be given "for" other property or "for" services.

Belonging to, exercising authority or functions within, as where one describes himself as "a notary public in and for the said county."

By reason of; with respect to; for benefit of; for use of; in consideration of. The cause, motive or occasion of an act, state or condition. American Ins. Co. v. Naylor, 103 Colo. 461, 87 P.2d 260, 265. Used in sense of "because of," "on account of," or "in consequence of." Kelly v. State Personnel Board of California, 31 Cal. App.2d 443, 88 P.2d 264, 266. By means of, or growing out of.

It connotes the end with reference to which anything is, acts, serves, or is done. In consideration of which, in view of which, or with reference to which, anything is done or takes place. In direction of; with view of reaching; with reference to needs, purposes or uses of; appropriate or adapted to; suitable to purpose, require­ ment, character or state of.

A term denoting that from which anything proceeds; indicating origin, source, descent, and the like; as, he is of noble blood. Associated with or connected with, usually in some causal relation,efficient,material,for­ mal, or final. The word has been held equivalent to after; at, or belonging to; in possession of; manufac­ tured by; residing at; from.



pdfOrganic Act of 1871

"District of Columbia constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes."

However, the District of Columbia, unlike all other municipalities in the country, is not connected through a State.  In my opinion this is the unconstitutional part of how DC was incorporated.  If the founding fathers wanted DC to have the same, or similar, rights as other states, they would have spelled it out in the original Constitution.  It basically creates an unofficial "State" for DC which some folks may refer to as the "deep state" and gives an extra layer of legal loopholes with which politicians can play games.  


28 U.S. Code § 3002

(15)“United States” means—
(A)a Federal corporation;

Paragraph 15 



State of Delaware: Corporation Search
File Number: 2193946


State of Florida: Corporation Search
Florida Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number 100009


Traficant Speech March 17th 1993 - admits US is Bankrupt
YouTube embed video below updated 10/19/22

This C-SPAN video should work too.


Further Reading

I am linking to the following information, articles, and videos to help track my thoughts and reference other articles that I encountered.  I'm not endorsing the following to be 100% accurate but it's always good to get both sides of a story... perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  


The United States Isn't a Country According To U.S. Congress ACT 1871 (TREASON)
— It's a Corporation!

by Lisa Guliani

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
— Preamble of the original "organic" Constitution

To even begin to understand what has happened to the Republic, we must look backward in time to the period following the Civil War. We must go back to the year 1871, which was the beginning of the decline of the Republic. When we examine what happened during that time in our history, we begin to piece together this troubling, perplexing puzzle that is "America" — only then should we answer as to whether we are indeed a "free" people or not.

The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the
District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.

The Congress realized our country was in dire financial straits, so they cut a deal with the international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London were dipping their fingers into everyone's pie) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers.

In essence, this Act formed the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Note the capitalization, because it is important. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, moved right in and shoved the original "organic" version of the Constitution into a dusty corner. With the "Act of 1871," our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word "for" was changed to the word "of" in the title.

The original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers, was written in this manner:
"The Constitution for the united states of America".

The altered version reads: "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". It is the corporate constitution. It is NOT the same document you might think it is. The corporate constitution operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it is the same parchment that governs the Republic. It absolutely is not.


Capitalization — an insignificant change? Not when one is referring to the context of a legal document, it isn't. Such minor alterations have had major impacts on each subsequent generation born in this country. What the Congress did with the passage of the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia. The kind of government THEY created was a corporation. The new, altered Constitution serves as the constitution of the corporation, and not that of America. Think about that for a moment.

So, Congress committed TREASON against the People, who were considered Sovereign under the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. When we consider the word "Sovereign," we must think about what the word means.In other words, our government was created by and for "sovereigns" — the free citizens who were deemed the highest authority. Only the People can be sovereign — remember that. Government cannot be sovereign.

"The Constitution for the united states of America". SMALL LETTERS

The altered version reads: "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". It is the corporate constitution. It is NOT the same document you might think it is. The corporate constitution operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it is the same parchment that governs the Republic. It absolutely is not.The government which was created for the District of Columbia via the Act of 1871 operates under Private International Law, and not Common Law, which was the law of the Constitutional Republic. This is very CLEAR>>WHEN PRES. BUSH said the CONSTITUTION WAS NOTHING BUT A PIECE OF PAPER> HE WAS SPEAKING FOR THE ILLEGAL CORPORATION and THEIR CONSTITUTION>>>…/

PS:The United States is a “Federal Corporation”: 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15)

What they never taught you in high school civics class: The United States is a FEDERAL CORPORATION. See 28 U.S.C. Sec. 3002(15); Washington, D.C. is a sovereign city-state, not bound by any laws or treatises that the 50 states in the Union are (just as the City of London is not part of England proper and the Vatican is also a sovereign city-state).

The people believed by most to be representing Americans in D.C. are immune from virtually all laws and treatises of the USA. These corporate CEOs known as “congressmen” and “congresswomen” are representing a corporation known as “United States” which makes most of its profits off a war and prison machine and a fiat paper money system. The only reason this paper “money” has any value at all is because the USA and NATO force OPEC countries to exclusively sell oil with Federal Reserve notes (U.S. dollars). If they do not, they get “Iraq-ed,” “Libya-ed,” and/or “Afghanistan-ed.” The Bank of Israel, aka the “Federal” Reserve (a private corporation), prints and administers this fiat paper “money” worldwide, while the Washington, D.C.-based IMF and World Bank play video game economics with the rest of the world. Corporations are “people with rights.” See Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 50 (2010).

All United States Department of Justice attorneys and United States District Judges and Magistrate Judges work for the same for-profit corporate employer, the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, a.k.a. “United States” (28 U.S.C. 3002(15))—and the Lufkin Court is just another legislative-branch corporate debt-collection forum (28 U.S.C. Chapter 176 Federal Debt Collection Procedure) masquerading as a judicial-branch Article III constitutional court.

And this is why your “vote” this coming November matters about as much as your life does to these people.

Rev Sam (Retired)




William "Bill" Foust - The District of Columbia Act of 1871



More Links, Articles, Resources:

The Constitution For The United States - Its Sources and Its Application

Federal government: US is a corporation, not a country


What You Don’t Know About Taxes & The ‘Crown’ & The Vatican & Washington DC 


Two Constitutions in the United States 

Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City 

The Rape of We, the People & the Constitution for the United States 





On the night of December 23, 1913 the United States Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and thereby committed the greatest act of TREASON in history. It surrendered this nation's sovereignty and sold the American people into slavery to a cabal of arch-charlatan international bankers who proceeded to plunder, bankrupt, and conquer this nation with a money swindle.

    The "money" the banks issue is merely bookkeeping entries. It cost them nothing and is not backed by their wealth, efforts, property, or risk. It is not redeemable except in more debt paper. The Federal Reserve Act forced us to pay compound interest on thin air. We now use worthless "notes" backed by our own credit that we cannot own and are made subject to compelled performance for the "privilege".

From 1913 until 1933, the United States paid the "interest" with more and more gold. The structured inevitability soon transpired: the Treasury was empty, the debt was greater than ever, and the United States declared bankruptcy. In exchange for using notes belonging to bankers who create them out of nothing on our own credit, we are forced to repay in substance (labor, property, land, businesses, resources, life in ever-increasing amounts. This may have been the greatest heist and fraud of all time.

When a government goes bankrupt, it loses its sovereignty. In 1933 the United States declared bankruptcy, as expressed in Roosevelt's Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, confirmed in Perry v. United States, (1935) 294 U.S. 330-381, 79 L.Ed 912, as well as 31 USC 5112, 5119, and 12 USC 95A. The bankrupt United States went into receivership, reorganized in favor of 115 creditors and new owners. In 1913, Congress turned over America... lock, stock and barrel to a handful of criminals whose avowed intent from the beginning was to plunder, bankrupt, conquer, and enslave the people of the United States of America and eliminate this nation from the face of the earth. The goal was, and is, to absorb America into a one-world private commercial government, a "New World Order."

   On March 9, 1933 President Roosevelt called for the passing of The WAR POWERS ACT TITLE 12 USC. Section 95 (a) and  95 (b). This act declared all United States Citizens to be the enemy of the United States Government, and placed us under permanent Emergency Rule, bypassing Constitutional constraints on government. 

With the Erie R.R. v Tompkins case of 1938, the Supreme Court confirmed their success. We are now in an international private commercial jurisdiction in colorable admiralty-maritime under the Law Merchant. We have been conned and betrayed out of our sovereignty, rights, property, freedom, common law, Article III Courts, and

The Bill of Rights has been statutized into "civil rights" in commerce. You have destroyed the Republic. America has been stolen. We have been made slaves, i.e. permanent debtors, bankrupt, in legal incapacity, rendered commercial "persons," "residents," and corporate franchisees known as "citizens of the United States"

Since 1933 what is called the "United States Government" is a privately owned corporation of the Federal Reserve/International Monetary Fund. It is merely an instrument whereby the bankers administer their ongoing subjugation and plunder of what was once considered "the last great hope of human freedom." All "public servants," officials, Congressmen, politicians, judges, attorneys, law enforcement officers, States and their various agencies, etc., are the express agents of these foreign principals - see Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938; 22 USC 286 et seq, 263A, 185G, 267J, 611(C) (ii) & (iii); Treasury Delegation Order #91 - who have stolen the country by clever, intentional, and unrelenting fraud, trickery, treachery, non-disclosure, miss-representation, intrigue, coercion, conspiracy, murder. If there is a greater tragedy in human history it is hard to know what it is.

An insidious aspect of this is that "officials" like you may think you are "public servants," are upholding the "law," or other hoaxes. In truth you are conscientiously and assiduously serving the archenemies of yourselves, your own rights, your fellow citizens, continued human rights, life, and freedom in general. YOU are seditiously administering the plunder, bankruptcy, conquest, destruction, dismantling, and elimination of your country. YOU are systematically defrauding, extorting, impoverishing, and injuring human life on the basis of crimes and lies of such magnitude, depth, and proportions as to be beyond human comprehension. 

Now you believe you can sell this nation to foreign powers with the stroke of a pen by Executive Order 12803, April 30, 1992.

By so doing, you are committing TREASON and PERFIDY so immense as "to make the angels weep." If you and your fellow "officials" do not understand the real situation, you are ignorant, naive, deceived, and conned. You are sheer dupes. If you do know and are parties to it, you are guilty of evil and heinous BETRAYAL. You are in such case TRAITORS and CRIMINALS. All of you "in power" are therefore, either fools or knaves, either of which eminently invalidates your "authority" and renders null and void absolutely all-moral obligation to pay allegiance or to obey the TREASONOUS SYSTEM you enforce with such mechanical viciousness.

If, you, "public servants" had any shred left of humanity, awe, heart, clarity, sanity, access to your true being and conscience, you would instantly resign and do everything possible to inform the American people of their plight and help us retrieve our rights and our country. Only by such means can you even begin to atone for your endless crimes against humanity, the lives you so arrogantly and mindlessly butcher with the "meat-grinder of the law."

What do you think the American people will do as they discover that they have no more country, that they are slaves to mortal enemies, that they have been tricked and betrayed by their "leaders" who sold them out? What do you think they will do when they realize that all their alleged "public servants" are willing or stupidly compliant parties to the plunder, bankruptcy, subjugation, and ruin of their lives and country?

There is no acceptable excuse for what you have done. You cannot engage in bringing harm to life and, like the Nazi's defense at Nuremberg, presume that because you do so under the "authority" of an imaginary, abstract, unreal legal fiction called "government" you are freed of the consequences of your acts. Moral and natural law are not obviated by ignorance, hubris and self-righteous militancy. Your entire system - from the ground up - is deceit and fraud. It is illicit in essence and ab initio. As Broom's Maxims 297, 729 put it: "A right of action cannot arise out of fraud." Honor is earned by honesty and integrity, not under false and fraudulent pretenses. The color of the cloth one wears cannot cover up the usurpations, lies, and treachery. "When black is fraudulently declared to be white, not all will live in darkness."

More and more  Americans are awakening to the truth. What do you think the American people will do as they discover that they have no more country, that they are slaves to mortal enemies, that they have been tricked and betrayed by their "leaders" who sold them out? What do you think they will do when they realize that all their alleged "public servants" are willing or stupidly compliant parties to the plunder, bankruptcy, subjugation, ruin  and destruction of their lives and country? Thomas Jefferson wrote: "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens." Lincoln said: "Just as I would not be a slave, neither would I be a master."

I will not participate in your corrupt, arrogant, and cruel fraud, either as perpetrator or victim. I will no longer sit here and writhe. The TYRANNY over this nation MUST END! End Emergency Rule. Repeal all laws passed under Emergency Rule. Give us back our substance and our law. Give us back our Republican form of government.

If you continue with this course, you will have natural and moral law and higher powers to answer to, not to mention all those you have wronged under color of law. You will have your own laws turned against you, as you have turned the law against us. To transform the shield of protection into a sword of exploitation, subjugation, and plunder is perfidy. I am an American. My destiny is to live as a freeman on the land my forefathers conquered and that I will fight to keep.

 You have now been placed on notice.  All further actions on your part will be willful!

Resolutely, from an  American who demands their country back 





Last modified on Wednesday, 19 October 2022 07:52
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