Sunday, 28 March 2021 00:20

NATHAN COVINGTON for State Senate: PA District 22

District 22: Vote for the candidate that puts people over politics. As elected Auditor of Barrett Township, Nathan has a proven track record of transparency, fiscal conservatism, and less taxes. District 22: Vote for the candidate that puts people over politics. As elected Auditor of Barrett Township, Nathan has a proven track record of transparency, fiscal conservatism, and less taxes.

Scranton & Surrounding Areas:

Special Election
May 18, 2021 


Pennsylvania Senator - District 22 


"...we need some fresh blood, we need fresh ideas, and I think what we need to do is begin to break apart the two-party system," said Covington.


"...To be part of the libertarian party is a huge blessing. The two parties, they’re in a deadlock," said Covington.


Supporter Of:

  • Individual Choice
  • Sound Money, Less Regulation
  • Fair Taxes

Proven Track Record:

  • Transparency & Honesty
  • Fiscal Sanity
  • Advocate for Lowering Taxes




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Last modified on Wednesday, 16 February 2022 10:39
Comments (1)
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Is this some kind of joke about
Nathan Covington running for
State Senate ? Is this the same guy who questions and contradicts everything that happen in Barrett.
The same Nathan Covington that the S--t stirrer in town. This has to be some kind...

Is this some kind of joke about
Nathan Covington running for
State Senate ? Is this the same guy who questions and contradicts everything that happen in Barrett.
The same Nathan Covington that the S--t stirrer in town. This has to be some kind of joke. God help the three counties if it happens.

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