Thursday, 13 May 2021 09:08

In a PA Second Class Township Near You

Edit 7/14/21: Act 65 of 2021
It appears Pennsylvania is revising their Sunshine Law to require better public notice of meeting agendas (see attachments)


Editor's Note: This poem is intentionally awkward.

In a second class township near you, Auditors don't audit because townships hire a CPA firm instead, making the township is legally eligible for grant money. Unfortunately this defeats the entire purpose of having elected auditors.

In a second class township near you, auditors should actually be called township employee wage setters. That's basically all Auditors do nowadays.

In a second class township near you, a Supervisor can also be roadmaster, his own boss.

In a second class township near you, a Supervisor can also be the treasurer. Not kidding.

In a second class township near you, a former supervisor might happen own the local newspaper. I also found that the the supervisors can post some things in that local paper and other "official notices" in a regional paper.

Last modified on Wednesday, 14 July 2021 17:40
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