Wednesday, 05 May 2021 17:18

Right to Know Law: A Brief Overview (with examples)

The Right to Know Law (RTKL) was designed to make government documents more accessible to the public. By filling out a request form, you can request documents from any government agency.

The RTKL governs the release of documents, but it does not answer questions. This can sometimes create a problem: you may know the information you’re looking for, but not know what documents you need to get that information. This is a great time to pick up the phone and call the Agency Open Records Officer (AORO), the person who is responsible for responding to RTK requests.

Items to keep in mind:

  1. AOROs can ask why you want documents, but you are not required to answer.
  2. The RTKL only governs existing documents, and does not force the AORO to create a document if it doesn’t already exist.
  3. If you want paper copies of documents, there are fees involved.

Once you submit a request, the AORO has five business days to respond. The countdown starts the day after the request is received. For example, if a request is submitted on Friday, May 14, 2021, the AORO must respond by Friday, May 21, 2021. For large RTK requests, the AORO can invoke a 30-day extension.
Agency Open Records Officers can respond to a request in four ways: granted, part granted/part denied, denied, or misdirected. Regarding part or full denials, the RTKL has provisions that prevent the release of certain information. Some common examples of withheld information are birthdays, social security numbers, and personal phone numbers. It is the burden of the agency to prove why records are not public, so if you receive a denial or part denial, the AORO’s response must include why records were withheld or information was redacted. A misdirected response means you’ve submitted your request to the wrong agency.
If you receive a response and want to file an appeal (i.e., you don’t agree with the response, you believe information has been incorrectly redacted, etc.), the appeal must be submitted to the Office of Open Records within 15 business days of the mailing date of the agency's response.
For additional information, the Office of Open Records -



Examples of some Right to Know Requests:


I am requesting the cover letter from the CPA firm that came with the YEAR Auditors Report YEAR - and -

Also requesting a copy of the Township Pension / Retirement Plan.


Copies of letters sent from _______ to the township on DATES


Asset inventory of maintenance department,  any item over $500 


Fuel and mileage logs for YEAR


All auditors' meeting minutes from the previous 5 years' auditor meetings


A copy of the most recent audit report that was prepared by the elected auditors 


A breakdown of all costs related to, and maintenance department hours spent working on, the "XYZ" property since it was acquired by the township in / around YEAR.


Please provide the most recent and all copies of Form 203C filed with the Public Employee Retiree Commission

- and -

Please share township employee pension plan documentation including all plan statements of inflows and outflows since December 31, YEAR, plan information given to new and current members, how to qualify for the plan including vesting information/ township contributions/employee contributions, and a list of current members.


Meeting notes from the following XYZ Township ABC Committee meetings: (DATES)


Last modified on Wednesday, 16 February 2022 10:55
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