Tuesday, 04 January 2022 23:00

Township Supervisor Conflict of Interests

It’s a politically exciting time in Barrett nowadays, as our voters recently elected 3 new supervisors. One of the new supervisors is also the township treasurer, secretary, webmaster, right to know officer...

PA Second Class Township Code allows for wearing all of these hats simultaneously. To be clear, this is not ad hominim.  I have no specific issues with this person, I’m suggesting that we petition Harrisburg to update the code.

The secretary decides what gets on the agenda and recorded in the meeting minutes. The treasurer has access to the township checkbook.  The right to know officer handles all of the freedom of information requests from the general public. In my opinion, all these roles should be divided among different people.

  • "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."

    - Plato

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precision beats power