Tuesday, 25 April 2017 10:56

Berkey Water Filter Review: 3 Years Later (Pics)

I had written a review of my berkey water filter when we first purchased it in 2014.  We have been using it nonstop, putting approximately 1 gallon per day through it from our city tap water.  If you refer to the photo, you can see the layer of fine sediment (dirt) coating the bottom two-thirds old filter.  Note that the filter was still working fine, the water tasted great, but the upper tank of the filter wasn't draining because of the clogged filter.  It was taking a full night to filter just 1 gallon of water.  After replacing the (2) filters, we are now filtering a gallon in less than an hour. 

Below is the letter that we sent to Berkey (and their response).  Enjoy!

Dear Berkey Filters -

We noticed our filter wasn’t keeping up with us very well so we finally replaced our black filters after 3 years of daily usage.

I saw in the filter instructions that it’s possible to clean these filters… my thinking was that after 3 years, we might as well just replace them.  My question, though, is… could we have actually cleaned these and kept using them?  See attached photo of the old filter next to the new one.  It looks like there is a good layer of fine dirt / mud on the old filter.  Could I have cleaned that mud off and been good as new?  Just curious.  

We’ve been putting a gallon through it a day from our tap, city / public water.  Just curious if you’d expect these results / findings?  



(Their response, same day)

Hello Nate,

Thank you for contacting Berkey Filters. Most likely the filters could have been cleaned but it may have been tedious. Based on the photo, they appear to be extremely clogged. To prevent such build-up, we recommend keeping a regular maintenance schedule which will vary by customer since all source water is different. You may just want to note that the Black Berkey Purification Elements last 6,000 gallons as a pair and can be cleaned up to 100 times.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. Any of our friendly representatives would be more than happy to assist you. Thank you again for contacting Berkey Filters. Have a great day.

Kind Regards,

Last modified on Tuesday, 14 August 2018 09:58
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