Friday, 16 September 2016 09:05

Demonstration: 12 Volt Off-Grid Water Pump

I've written previously about my first off-grid solar power setup.  Now, I want to share the addition of a 12-volt water pump. 

Product Review: SEAFLO 12V 5.5 GPM 60 PSI Water Diaphragm Pressure Pump
I purchased this water pump so that we can pump harvested rainwater out of our IBC 275 gallon totes - uphill - to our plants.  I can plug the water pump directly into my battery booster, my truck, or another vehicle's battery.  I've heard that this will also operate when directly connected to a solar panel (no battery required) but I haven't tested this yet. 

Demonstration / Video:

For a small $110 pump, this is very capable.  It can pump up to 300 gallons per hour.  It has a pressure switch, meaning, you could back-feed the garden hose into your house and use it to flush toilets or what-have-you.  (When you flush, the pump would kick on until the water pressure builds back up.)


Last modified on Friday, 16 September 2016 09:22
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