Monday, 19 March 2018 13:31

Homemade Greenhouse (real lumber)

Want to build a greenhouse so you can start working towards self-sufficiency, eating healthier food, etc?  Here is a free greenhouse design that includes a storage shed, for storing garden tools, food for our livestock, bales of hay, and the like.  

I started researching various methods of building greenhouses, ranging from inexpensive plastic hoop tunnels to the pre-built kits made from metal tubing and glass panels.  I also considered storage solutions like shipping containers, pre-built sheds you can buy from major retailers, and amish-style pole barns.  

The solution was to combine both the greenhouse and storage shed into a single building with the roof of the shed being taller than the greenhouse.  The idea is that the shared wall between the two buildings can be insulated, so that one wall (north side) of the greenhouse isn’t exposed to wind.  With the greenhouse roof being somewhat low to the ground, it’ll hold the heat in closer to the ground (think along the lines of a “walapini”).  I also built it at the lowest point on my property, with the hope of retaining ground moisture in and around the greenhouse.  




Last modified on Monday, 28 November 2022 11:37
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  • "I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn’t look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.

    And that’s what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with, and it’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.”

    ~ Steve Jobs

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