Wednesday, 24 February 2021 14:56

Carrier Frequency How-To

Using a carrier frequency allows for the frequency to penetrate further into your body, however with some risk.  For this kind of 100% offset waveform, you must not do a contact treatment for for than 7 minutes. Then take a break for at least 21 minutes, before doing another contact treatment. If you don't take these breaks, you may burn yourself. 

XM Generator Instructions - try this on the Settings tab:

  1. Click the Restore Defaults button
  2. Set Amplitude of Out 1 and Out 2 to 20 V3. F2=F1 X 128, tick "Modulate F2 using F1 (Pure AM SSD)"

For this kind of 100% offset waveform, you must not do a contact treatment for for than 7 minutes. Then take a break for at least 21 minutes, before doing another contact treatment. If you don't take these breaks, you may burn yourself.



(XM Generator Instructions - Older Model)

If you want to have a carrier for the XM, here is an example for a dynamic carrier:

Start with \Shell (Empty) Presets\Remote\Healing (R) - JW.

  1. Set to amplitude to 20

  2. Check the F2=F1 X Hz option

  3. Set Hz factor to 128

  4. Choose the "Modulate F2 using F1 (AM DSB)"



The Hz factor can be any value up to 512. I personally think powers of 2 work better (ie 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512), because they equally divide into the 1024 point in a arbitrary waveform.

This setting can be used on remote or contact, however for remote, it is not necessary, because the remote can deeply penetrate your whole body, unlike the contact which needs higher frequencies.

For example will 432 hz work ok? Found in research done pertaining to the electrical grid and how it was purposefully based on a disharmonious frequency. According to the research it was intentional and incorporated into international standards but also says 432 is a harmonious frequency.

Rife also used contact mode later on, SO running the sweep 100Hz to 150,000Hz with CONTACT pads for application seems to be what Rife himself would do. Of course he would add a 3.1MHz Carrier Wave in order to penetrate cellular nucleus when running in contact mode and frequencies below 1000Hz! This is not needed for plasma.


See attached screenshots below in the gallery - see also:

Last modified on Monday, 10 January 2022 14:45

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I need guidance. Have a spooky 2 on loan. Very complicated. Not sure if everything is here. Wife has lupus, I'm developing arthritis. Wonder if a WhatsApp session could be possible to inventory equipment and help us ...

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