Tuesday, 17 March 2020 08:45

Spooky2 Rife Generators: Presets for Coronavirus

Editor's Note: Not sure if these work but there is a really good discussion on the Spooky2 forum about it:

If anyone has feedback regarding methods, efficacy, etc... please share!



How to Reduce the Risk of Getting COVID-19 Infection Using Spooky2

(from the Spooky2 blog)

How Do I Choose a Specific Strain of Coronavirus?

Right now, if you are upgraded to the latest databases from John White's personal website, you will notice there are 28 strains of the Corona virus. You find this by searching for wuhan, then choosing Severe acute (Image 1).

Choose a "Killing Preset" and use the remote.  There are options for contact mode but more complicated.  


Last modified on Monday, 10 January 2022 14:46
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