Friday, 07 February 2020 11:07

"Healy Resonance" vs. Spooky2

I had someone reach out to me about the Healy Resonance device, a frequency-oriented piece of hardware that communicates with your smart phone that's supposed to be able to treat various aspects and parts of your body. 

Here is what they said:


I stumbled upon your website and article about biofeedback and Spooky2 generator. I'm interested to know if you're still using Spooky2 and how you're finding it?

I've been doing a lot of research on vibrational frequency and have come across a vibrational frequency device which is far more advanced than Spooky2 on many levels. There is actually nothing like it out there in the market.

The Spooky2 device uses the Rife Frequencies which are also included in this professional system. But the Rife Frequencies are only about 4,000, whereas this system uses are 144,000.

The main difference between all normal frequency devices and this device, is that the frequencies are measured and delivered in real time in your bioenergetic field, thanks to a unique and patented quantum sensor. Every 10 seconds, it analyses the frequency you need from different bandwidths, for example 0 – 1 kHz and applies them in real time, This makes is possible to have a very specific frequency application.

I see your passion and interest in this field so felt compelled to share as I this device really can change lives. Please let me know if you would like more information and I'd be happy to share a short video with you.



This was my response:


I don't think you know what you're talking about, because the Spooky "includes" a lot more than 4000 frequencies.  But I'm interested...



An hour later they write back:


That was my understanding but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Here's a fantastic introductory video and a great place to start.

There's a lot more information but perhaps start there and if you'd like to know more, I can then share additional information with you.



Intrigued, I did some research:

The Healy device goes up to 1MHZ:

The Spooky2 Generator X runs up to 40MHZ


In summary, I do not believe the Healy device, being battery operated, is going to have enough power to produce a clean signal at a meaningful power level.  The original Spooky2 Generator (XM) has more power than the Healy.  For more information about Spooky2's power output, click here and scroll down to the section titled "Frequency Range."    


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