I recently ordered some materials to build a new chicken coop and wanted to share the basic list of items for those who might be doing the same. I found that the biggest difference was the cost of the sheet metal roofing: Lowes wanted $38 and Home Depot $24 per sheet. So that was the major deciding factor in terms of where to order the bulk of the lumber from. Lowes had a few items in stock that HomeDepot was missing so I ordered a few things from Lowes with free shipping. The main HomeDepot / lumber order cost $79 for the special truck delivery option.
Homemade Chicken Coop:
Below is the breakdown of my orders.
To the right, you’ll see the chicken coop that my wife and I built ourselves. We’ve been working on it over the last year or so, making adjustments and enhancements, so I want to write about what we’ve learned. We refused to spend hundreds of dollars on just their coop so we got some free pallets from down the street and scavenged for scrap wood.
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.