Do you consider yourself a healthy eater? Do you follow the guidelines set forth by the government for healthy eating? Or have you gone rogue? There are as many different definitions of healthy as there are colors in the rainbow. But according to traditional Chinese medicine, there are certain guidelines that will keep the body happy and healthy throughout life. Let’s explore this a little deeper.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine diet is based on energetic principles that encourage balance, clean burning digestion and a well-functioning body that remains free of disease and full of energy. Eating for balance is a way of life in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory. There are certain foods that help the digestive system function properly and allow the body to utilize the nutrients it needs to perform. When food enters the mouth, it travels through the stomach and intestines. This is where the energy is extracted from the food and the waste products are excreted. The energy that was extracted become your life force or Qi (pronounced “chee”). Digestion, in TCM theory, should be an unnoticeable event. The digestive system should be clean and quiet, allowing the body to extract the most nutrition and energy from the food that is ingested. If the digestive system becomes clogged, the energy does not get adequately absorbed and there is leftover residue that sticks to places within the body thus causing blockages and affecting the body’s daily functions.
Looking for a solution to texting thumb? Tennis elbow? It's within you! I’ve been writing about my personal experience with back pain, neck & shoulder pain, Lyme disease, stress, and chronic illness for over 3 years. Lately I’ve been learning how to better listen to my body and wanted to share my daily routine for keeping my body pain-free.
The human body can endure large amounts of trauma and pain. Think about the people you know who have walked away from car accidents, survived the impossible. Think about professional cage fighters. Your body is capable of taking a beating. I think about this while I do my stretches: I start with the basic stretches outlined below, but I’m always mixing it up and chaining things together. Imagine getting in a car accident with no seatbelt on and bouncing around the car, off the dashboard, into the backseat, etc. Your joints don’t stretch that direction following normal physical therapy exercises!
Consider the muscles in your neck between your head and right shoulder.
It makes intuitive sense that drinking chlorinated water can create imbalances in your intestinal flora. We know that chlorine will kill many of the good bacteria and microbes that live symbiotically with us in our gut. These good bacteria help us digest our food, keeping us serene and healthy. But most of us fail to take this thought to it’s logical end. I know I did.
You see, I thought that if I just drank filtered water, I’d have my bases covered. It never even occurred to me that the chlorine in my shower and bath water could be just as damaging, if not more so. That’s because your skin is your largest organ, and it’s naturally gifted with the ability to absorb both nutrients and toxins.
Note that this video demonstrates the 20180601 version of the software.
What is Biofeedback?
It uses computerized biofeedback to measure subtle reactive patterns during the assessment and “feeds back” information to aid and entrain the body to regulate itself. It works by reducing the stresses on a body at the electro-magnetic level caused by toxins, food, environment, genetics and lifestyle. You use the computer send frequencies (signals) to the body to open up the energy flow, while stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms, and returning the body to homeostasis- natural state of equilibrium. Establishing an energy balance eliminates the primary causes for the emergence of diseases and releases very therapeutic effects. The entire process is safe, gentle, and non-invasive.
First, what I am about to discuss is not medical advice. I am not saying that any of this can cure, treat, or heal you from disease. I am not a doctor. I am not a medical professional, the following information is provided for “entertainment purposes.”
PHILADELPHIA — Feliciano Pagan stood at his front door when the MANNA food truck pulled up to his two-story brick row home.
Pagan, 48, greeted the driver with a smile as he carried in two large bags filled with frozen dinners and fresh fruit that would last a week. Among the goods were chicken fajitas with brown rice and zucchini; chicken dumplings, carrots and beets; and sweet-and-sour pork chops with turkey noodle soup.
These medically tailored meals — all with limited salt and carbohydrates — are designed to keep Pagan, who has congestive heart failure, out of the hospital. Health Partners Plans, the nonprofit company that runs the Medicaid health plan Pagan belongs to, is betting on it.
In my last blog post, I discussed the new doctor that I started seeing for treating my Lyme disease and coinfections. This doctor uses Bioenergetic testing, which I hadn’t seen or experienced before, and the machine itself really intrigued me.
I came home and started researching the technology behind it. The concepts make sense to me. There are nutritionists and other alternative doctors on YouTube showing their machines and how they work. And these people are busy helping patients. Why aren’t these devices ‘legal’ among normal doctors? Why aren’t we studying it more?
I went back to my doctor for a re-test, after my first round of shots. I came to him with a list of similar machines that I found on the internet and asked him more questions.
(This is a follow-up to My Story: How I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease)
I had certainly heard of Lyme disease before I was diagnosed with it. In fact, was tested for it 5 or 10 years ago, the test came back positive, and they put me on Doxycycline. (Surprise!)
There are several guys in my town that told me they see an alternative medicine doctor around 40 minutes away. After doing lots of research, and learning the “main stream” doctors prescribe Lyme patients LOTS of antibiotics (months at a time, sometimes by IV)... and after my initial experience with 3 months of Doxycycline, I decided I wanted to stay as far away from that as possible. The 3 weeks of Doxycycline made my body hemorrhage to the point where I almost threw up. It ruined my appetite. And I'm one of the lucky ones.
The general diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease in dogs is similar to humans. Dogs get the same antibiotic, Doxycycline. And they show similar symptoms, including lethargy, joint pain (limping, particularly if the dog limps on the right leg on one day, and the left leg another), fever…
I also asked a local veterinarian about giving vitamins & supplements to canines. Here is what they said:
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in July 2017. I’ve generally been a healthy person, or so I thought, I weighed around 180 pounds which isn’t bad for someone 6 feet tall. I have backyard chickens so that I have fresh, high quality eggs since 2015. I’ve been seeing a chiropractor for almost 2 years. Finally got my disk back into place in early 2016, for reference. So I thought I was doing great.
I'm sharing the following story, thoughts, and follow-up in the hopes that it can help someone else going through similar symptoms. I feel your pain, and know that there are solutions.
- Mark 3:25