
Monday, 06 November 2017 16:34

Quick One-Page Anti-Inflammation Diet

This is a one-page, quick and simple diet for reducing inflammation in the gut and body.  It helps get rid of yeast overgrowth like Candida.  (Free printable PDF)

There is no counting "points" or anything similar.  Eat as much as you want!  Most people find this diet to be a good "healthy human being" diet, and it may help with treating a wide variety of cancers, illnesses, and diseases.  

You may have already found my previous articles discussing stretches and exercises for lower back pain, and the follow-up article after I started seeing a GOOD chiropractor.  For me, the neck exercises were helpful after my lower back issues were straightened out.  My worst pain was in the L4 / L5 disc, which the chiropractor popped back into place after 4 adjustments.  This was the first step in my recovery.  Now, I'm trying to re-train my muscles such that my posture is correct.

I had written a review of my berkey water filter when we first purchased it in 2014.  We have been using it nonstop, putting approximately 1 gallon per day through it from our city tap water.  If you refer to the photo, you can see the layer of fine sediment (dirt) coating the bottom two-thirds old filter.  Note that the filter was still working fine, the water tasted great, but the upper tank of the filter wasn't draining because of the clogged filter.  It was taking a full night to filter just 1 gallon of water.  After replacing the (2) filters, we are now filtering a gallon in less than an hour. 

Below is the letter that we sent to Berkey (and their response).  Enjoy!

Thursday, 06 April 2017 15:26

Computer Eye Strain Eye Exercises

  1. Figure 8's
  2. Hot Dog
  3. Palming

I recently found this article:
Real-Time 432 Auto-Pitching Video Player

And I wanted to chime in and share my findings - I think they're on to something!  I used VLC on my Mac Mini to change the frequency to 432Hz, then opened the same song in iTunes using the default frequency. 

The VLC / 432Hz configuration sounded much less harsh!  Amazing. 

Click here for instructions for configuring your VLC software to play at 432Hz.

It turns out that in 1936, the powers that be decided to re-tune "A" to be 440hz instead of 432hz.  So since then, we've been listening to music that irritates us at a cellular level.  It causes stress an disease:  

  • “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

    – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

More Inspirational Quotes

precision beats power