Edit 7/14/21: Act 65 of 2021
It appears Pennsylvania is revising their Sunshine Law to require better public notice of meeting agendas (see attachments)
Editor's Note: This poem is intentionally awkward.
In a second class township near you, Auditors don't audit because townships hire a CPA firm instead, making the township is legally eligible for grant money. Unfortunately this defeats the entire purpose of having elected auditors.
The Right to Know Law (RTKL) was designed to make government documents more accessible to the public. By filling out a request form, you can request documents from any government agency.
The RTKL governs the release of documents, but it does not answer questions. This can sometimes create a problem: you may know the information you’re looking for, but not know what documents you need to get that information. This is a great time to pick up the phone and call the Agency Open Records Officer (AORO), the person who is responsible for responding to RTK requests.
"We want to make sure that voting is easy, and cheating is hard."
Special Election
May 18, 2021
Pennsylvania Senator - District 22
Editor's Note:
Didn't this go to referendum 2 years ago?
(The Center Square) – A bicameral pair of lawmakers proposed a constitutional amendment on Thursday ending the collection of school property taxes.
Sen. John DiSanto, R-New Bloomfield, and Rep. Perry Stambaugh, R-New Bloomfield, said Senate Bill 424 and House Bill 927 – if passed in two consecutive sessions – would allow voters to decide if the General Assembly should replace the levy with a combination of state and local sales and income taxes.
(via Rosemary Brown)
Department of Human Services
On Wednesday, we met with officials from the Department of Human Services for a two-part budget hearing focused on health and human services programs as well as budget cost requests. During our exchange, the secretary made a concerning statement – that in order to receive federal dollars, we must keep Pennsylvanians on state government programs. I expressed my strong concerns about this statement in the video below.
Has anyone else seen these "Lockdown Over March 1st" graphics floating around? Do they have any real traction?
Blockchain has served as an effective Bitcoin platform "ledger" for a variety reasons: since 2009 it has proven resistant to tampering and hacking, it is decentralized, trackable, auditable, and open. Instead of calling for a "recount" when races are close, a Blockchain-based vote counting solution would allow for accurate, real-time vote counting.
However, is it going to work? And How?
(I am seriously asking for help so please post a comment below if you can help sort this out!)
Two conflicting articles below:
(1) is the patent from USPTO issued to the USPS to build the system Feb 7, 2020
(2) is an article from MIT released on 11/6/2020 saying that it won't work.
Which is it!?