Tuesday, 24 February 2015 15:04

Killing Mold w/ Remote

How can I do get rid of black mold in my bathroom? Are there people who have had success are doing it for rooms?

I would have liked to be able to pay to have mold removed but being retired and living on social security, that simply was not an option. And since not taking baths is also not an option, grin - one of the first things I did when I got my first XM generators was to scrape mold off the tub and put it in a remote. Within 3 days the mold was gone and has not returned, that's been over a year ago now! Granted, the safest way to handle mold is to let the pro's do it, but that's not always possible.

I would start with the Killing (R) JW template and add mold programs to run such as Molds General ETDF & any others that seem to make sense. If you have the latest remote (clamshell). Be sure to put it on the MN output on the boost. If you have the older remotes use the 'black' one if you have it. Can't hurt to give it a try. (warning: Wearing protect gloves and a safe mask when handling - like a professional has to do) Black mold is dangerous. Back when I collected my sample, I just took some of the paper tape that came with the old remotes and pressed the adhesive to the mold then inserted the tape mounted on a paper strip into the remote.

For more details, please check this link:



Last modified on Wednesday, 24 February 2021 15:04
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