Monday, 24 February 2014 14:46

Spooky2: Things to Remember

Things to remember when using

  1. Do not use Spooky Remote MN for too long.

  2. Do not mix DNA samples together in Spooky Remote without isolation.

  3. Do not use 100% offset for contact mode.

  4. Do not put TENS pads above the neck and keep them away from the heart.

  5. Do not use contact mode if you have pacemaker or electrode implants.

  6. Do not use more than one contact accessory on your body at a time.

  7. Do not use a PEMF coil if you have a pacemaker other electronic implants.

  8. Never shine the light of cold lasers directly into your eyes.

  9. Do not use cold lasers over any cancerous spots or your thyroid.

  10. Only use an approved 5v power supply for your Spooky2-XM generator.

  11. Do not press the buttons on a running generator.

  12. Do not run the same program on different generators at the same time. Stagger the programs by at least 5 minutes

  13. Only use plasma presets for Spooky Central.

  14. Never disconnect any plugs while Spooky Central is powered on - always switch SpookyCentral off first, then disconnect.

  15. Make sure you run a detox program when you run a killing program. Otherwise, a Herxheimer reaction - nausea, joint/lower back pain, etc -may ensue. If so, runHerxheimer - DB in the Morgellons and Lyme Protocol.

  16. Keep Spooky Equipment out of the reach of children.

Check polarity first?

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