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If you or someone you love have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, chances are you’ve been told that your body is attacking itself. Hearing this probably stripped you of hope that you can heal and left you feeling betrayed by your own body. Today there are countless mysterious diseases that have been labeled as autoimmune conditions. But the problem is that the concept of autoimmunity is inherently flawed and this mistaken theory only hurts you and your loved ones in the end. Surprised? When we believe our own bodies are attacking themselves, we are unknowingly hindering our healing process. Our immune systems can weaken in the absence of this truth: Your body never attacks itself. It’s always working for you and loves you unconditionally. It’s never been more critical for you and your loved ones to know and feel this truth in your heart. It will greatly support you and those you care about to heal.
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Research on the History of Lyme Disease generally leads to Plum Island. Plum Island Animal Disease Center of New York (PIADCNY) is a United States federal research facility dedicated to the study of animal diseases.
What Is Lyme Disease? New Findings Deepen the Mystery
"One theory—compelling but controversial—about the sudden emergence of the disease in Connecticut blames the accidental release of infected ticks during experiments at Plum Island Animal Disease Center, on Long Island Sound about eight miles south of Lyme."
Some patients have reported positive results from using UV light to clean their blood. This is generally for people whose blood is extremely dirty, it will be a very dark red - almost black - when exposed to oxygen. Further reading:
This diet (click to download PDF) is intended to "starve out" yeast (Candida), which is common with Lyme, as a yeast overgrowth is a known side-effect of taking antibiotics. I like to call it a diet for "healthy human beings" - as it would likely help with treating a variety of illnesses.
See Also:
Examples of Lyme Rashes:
More Photos:
How to Properly Remove a Tick:
Improper removal of ticks greatly increases the risk of acquiring tick-borne infections. Squeezing the tick or putting substances on the tick to try to make it "back out" may aggravate it enough that it injects into you whatever disease organisms are inside it.
Yoga and meditation are possibly the most helpful techniques when dealing with Lyme.
I've written and shared my own experience with Lyme disease before (and Spooky2 / biofeedback) and I found this really good video about COVID and the similarities w/ Lyme:
Based on Dr. Burrascano’s guide (page 27), the following supplements may be helpful in treating (managing) Lyme disease:
Please be sure to read the guide in its entirety, as Dr. Burrascano goes into many details about how and why you should be taking each of these. Please note that while you can purchase these items from a standard grocery store, you may want to research higher-quality options.
Further Reading: Salt/C Plus Protocol
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives quietly passed a bill requiring the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DoD) to conduct a review into whether the Pentagon experimented with ticks and other blood-sucking insects for use as biological weapons between 1950 and 1975.
If the Inspector General finds that such experiments occurred, then, according to the bill, they must provide the House and Senate Armed Services committees with a report on the scope of the research and "whether any ticks or insects used in such experiments were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design," potentially leading to the spread of diseases such as Lyme.
Tick season is upon us, prompting fresh warnings about bites that can transmit Lyme disease. But in a report published Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a group of doctors isn’t warning about the disease—instead, the group is warning about possible treatments.
Alternative medical treatments for so-called “chronic Lyme disease” are all unproven and potentially harmful—some even deadly—the group warns. That group includes doctors from across the country, including the University of Colorado, the CDC, Yale University, Stanford, and the University of California, San Francisco. In the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the doctors reveal chilling accounts of five patients who pursued such bogus treatments. What followed was years of heart-wrenching suffering, avoidable life-threatening infections, and death.
“Patients and their health care providers need to be aware of the risks associated with treatments for chronic Lyme disease,” the doctors declare. The case reports certainly offer a heart-wrenching PSA.
- Galations 6:9