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Sunday, 24 January 2021 21:49

Constitution For The United States

First, an observation that our founding fathers never wrote the constition "of" the United States.  According to Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, below are the legal definitions of the word "for" and "of" so that you can see the difference.

I'm not going to try and discuss the legal difference between the words "of" and "for" - but see for yourself that they are legally different. 

Read and think for yourself!  


My wife and I have been running a house cleaning company for a few years now, we've got around half a dozen part time employees as of the time of this writing. In the last year we've had several employees file, or attempt to file, for unemployment benefits... with mixed results. The purpose of this article is to share some firsthand experience of our dealings with the PA Unemployment System.

Exercises for producing expanded human consciousness: hypnosis, Kundalini meditation, biofeedback, astral projection, outer body experiments, and other altered states of mind.

Original document:


Dear Senator Casey,

I am in receipt of your email dated January 8, 2021 regarding defending myself and the other 6.9 million Pennsylvania votors.  

It is time for everyone to come out of this negative trance, this collective hysteria, because famine, poverty, massive unemployment will kill, mow down many more people than SARS-CoV-2!

Dear Leader McConnell and Leader McCarthy,

As members of the Pennsylvania Senate, we believe in the integrity of the election process. After speaking with our colleagues, a majority of the State Senate is troubled by the many inconsistencies that happened in our Commonwealth during the 2020 election. Due to numerous unlawful violations taken by Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf; Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar; and the rogue State Supreme Court, the balance of power was taken from the State Legislature, who by the U.S. and PA Constitutions, set the time, place and manner of holding elections.

Act 77 of 2019 that was signed into law, provides the following clear provisions:

• All mail-in ballots must be received by 8:00 p.m. election night

• Officials at polling places must authenticate the signatures of voters

• County Election Boards may begin pre-canvassing of absentee and mail-in ballots after 8:00 a.m. on election day

• Poll watchers selected by candidates and political parties are permitted to observe the process of canvassing absentee and mail-in ballots.

• No provisions were made for drop boxes or "curing" of ballots



Seven weeks before the 2020 General Election the PA Supreme Court overstepped their bounds by ruling that:

• Mail-in ballots could be received and counted up to three days later

• Ballots mailed without a postmark would be counted

• Signatures on mail-in ballots would not need to be verified

Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar also usurped legislative authority by:

• Allowing for a proliferation of unsecured drop boxes in key Democratic areas

• On the day before the election, encouraged some counties (not all) to notify party and candidate representatives of mail-in voters whose ballots contained disqualifying defects and allowing them to "cure" these defects

In addition to these inconsistencies, certified Republican poll watchers in Philadelphia were prohibited from overseeing the canvassing of ballots. After a court ordered these poll watchers to be allowed to observe, they were "corralled" so far from the canvassing of ballots, that they could not view the activities.



In addition to these inconsistencies, certified Republican poll watchers in Philadelphia were prohibited from overseeing the canvassing of ballots. After a court ordered these

poll watchers to be allowed to observe, they were "corralled" so far from the canvassing of ballots, that they could not view the activities.

Requests from legislators for independent investigations have been ignored by the administration.

Due to these inconsistent and questionable activities, we believe that PA election results should not have been certified by our Secretary of State.

Members, we ask for more time given the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court is to hear Trump vs. Boockvar in the coming days. We ask that you delay certification of the Electoral College to allow due process as we pursue election integrity in our Commonwealth.

Very respectfully,

Members of the PA Senate

cc: Republican US Senate Members

Republican US House Members





Pennsylvania Secretary Of State Kathy Boockvar Leaving Wolf Administration After Failure To Advertise Constitutional Amendment Gov.
Tom Wolf says the change has nothing to do with the 2020 election, "which was fair and accurate."

U.S. Supreme Court denies Pennsylvania GOP appeal over extended mail-in ballot deadline


Puran Bair, M.S.

Research at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany, in 1997, showed that it is possible to produce visible light from the chest area under certain conditions. The first condition is that the meditation technique must be heart-centered, not transcendent. Secondly, a specific person with an actual need must be identified as a receiver of the transmitted light. Under these conditions, a sustained light emission of 100,000 photons per second was measured, where only the background count of 20 photons per second was observed without meditation.

  • “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

    ― Benjamin Franklin

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