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A recent CNBC news report detailed the stories behind the 18,000 businesses that have left California in recent years to find refuge in states with more business-friendly tax and regulatory laws. It begs the question – why aren’t these businesses relocating to Pennsylvania?
If Americans want to give money to the government for one reason or another, they should be free to do so. If Americans prefer to spend their money on other things, then they should be free to do that also.
Editor's Note: I've been growing mushrooms using the following method for a few years now. If you are interested in growing your own mushrooms I would suggest Field and Forest as a supplier for your mushroom spores.
My absolute favorite mushroom to eat is the shiitake. They are expensive to buy in the store, but the good news is that they are easy to grow at home. These flavorful and meaty delights are one of the most common mushrooms in the world and also the one with the most health benefits. Unlike any green plant, they have all of the essential amino acids. And they are good source of vitamins. Shiitake mushrooms are great for building your immune system and are antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. They are a powerhouse of nutrients and contain about 60% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 10% fiber. They are a good source of B and D vitamins which are tough to find in the plant world.
Editor's Note:
I just applied some of this "Fluid Film" to the underside of my 20-year-old Ford pickup truck and I'm very happy with the results. You may have heard about folks who spray used motor oil on the underside of their vehicle to stop rust, and it works, but it's dirty. This "Fluid Film" is a non-toxic alternative that anyone can put on their vehicle. Unlike traditional undercoating, this is a light coating of oil that penetrates and protects your vehicle if it's already starting to rust. If your car is brand new then I would suggest rubberized undercoating. Otherwise Fluid Film is probably the way to go!
More information:
2nd Amendment Warning! Registration leads to confiscation.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Infringement is any form of regulation that prevents someone from bearing arms.
Therefore a nationwide firearm registration system is unconstitutional!
Do not obey!
(Note: I did not write the following - found on FB)
Highlights of H.R. 127 bill they're trying to pass in D.C. (read it yourself, it's 19 pages and easy to understand)
Firearms will be required to be registered. Registration includes: make, model and serial number of the firearm, and where it will be stored.
You will have 3 months to do this, and all information will be accessible to the public and government. So....
Scenario 1: little Johnny now knows you own zero firearms and comes to rob you.
Scenario 2: little Johnny knows exactly what you have, and where it is, when he robs you.
Scenario 3: Uncle Sam now knows where every firearm you own is located when they come to confiscate them.
You must have a license to own a firearm.
To obtain a license you must be at least 21, pass a criminal background check, pass a psychological evaluation, and take a minimum of 24 hours of firearm training. As part of your psychological evaluation, your household members and any former spouses will be interviewed.
So if your ex wife hates you, there goes your ability to own a gun. If your abusive ex husband doesn't want you to be able to protect yourself, there goes your ability to own a gun.
If your license is ever revoked you must immediately return your license and surrender all firearms and ammunition.
Your license must be renewed every 3 years with at least 8 additional hours of firearm training.
You must own firearm insurance from the government at the cost of $800 a year.
You, and only you, can use your firearm unless you notify the attorney General. So if you're at work and someone breaks in your house while your spouse is there, they can not use your firearm without facing the penalties below.
No person under the age of 18 shall be allowed to possess or use a firearm. There goes hunting with your son or daughter. Or being able to teach them about gun safety and respect for guns.
You can not own ammunition that is .50 caliber or greater.
You can not own anything that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
Penalties include $75,000 to $150,000 in fines and 15 to 25 years in prison.
I'm just wondering how far the government has to go before we the people stand up, and when or if we do...will it be too late.
...Shall not be infringed.
(Natural News) Three of the evilest entities on the planet were charged in a Peruvian court the other day of conspiring to create the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) for world domination.
Bill Gates, George Soros, and several members of the Rockefeller family were deemed responsible for the advent and spread of the Chinese virus, which has killed tens of thousands of small businesses and forever changed the world for the worst.
Your day-to-day wallet will probably be tied to a centralized bitcoin exchange, like a Coinbase account. With Coinbase, you can create multiple wallet addresses under a single account (suppose you have 3 or 4 businesses, each could have their own Wallet Address that gets used for receiving payments). I think of Coinbase as your starting point: you'll most likely be using Coinbase to convert your $USD-based checking account funds into Bitcoin (or whichever cryptocurrency you choose).
Create your free Coinbase account now!
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The lawyers employed by Donald Trump have amassed an impressive pile of arguments to defend him against charges that he incited a mob of his supporters to stage an armed insurrection in an effort to stop the selection of his democratically elected opponent. It is not popular in the fickle fairyland of Washington D.C. to defend Donald Trump, let alone to praise him. But at this sad hour in our nation’s history, that is precisely what must be done.
- Benjamin Franklin