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Update February 2021:
From what I understand, there is a big difference between the CBD that you get at the health food store vs. the CBD that comes from the Medical Marijuana Dispensary. If you combine the CBD with THC, first of all, it is much more medicinally potent. And according to the dispensary, their CBD-only products are derived from the "actual medical plant" wheras the CBD that comes elsewhere is from industrial hemp plants.
When I first heard about CBD oil, my initial assumption was that it would be "like" non-alcoholic beer. Taking the THC out of marijuana is like taking the alcohol out of beer, right? Wrong!
I learned first-hand that CBD oil does have relaxing, calming effects. It's also an anti-inflammatory, meaning it can help your body heal from virtually anything. It can be taken orally (using a dropper) or by vaping it. I've tried it both ways. Vaping is generally more 'cost effective' because the CBD goes directly into your lungs and blood stream, rather than absorbing slowly through your gut.
I find it interesting that dental and vision are ‘not covered’ by traditional medical insurance. Is this by design? My perspective is that your teeth and eyes are connected and relevant to the health of your overall body. You’ve probably l heard the expression “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” - you might not have heard that your teeth essentially are a fuse box to the rest of your body.
I’ve written previously called “Connecting the dots between stress, pain, cancer, and chronic illnesses” which is a discussion of how stress, pain, and disease affect your muscles, spine, skeletal structure.
"People who scored fewer than eight points on the test, he found, were twice as likely to die within the next six years compared with those who scored higher; those who scored three or fewer points were more than five times as likely to die within the same period compared with those who scored more than eight points."
Sit. Stand. Repeat. This little trick — a deceptively simple measure of flexibility and strength — can predict who will live longer and whose lives will be cut short, according to a study by Brazilian physician Claudio Gil Araujo. He uses the test with athletes, but he also uses it to lay out the stakes with patients: To live longer, they must get moving and maintain muscle and balance.
Araujo noticed long ago that many of his patients, particularly older people, had trouble with ordinary motions such as bending down to pick up something off the floor — difficulty indicative of a loss of flexibility. As people age, he knew, reduced muscle power and loss of balance can greatly increase the risk of dangerous falls.
This video demonstrates how to run a biofeedback "program" on yourself using the Spooky2 software. Note that this assumes that you have already run the actual biofeedback scan and it is saved as a program in your Spooky2 library.
This is a custom barn door that I built for our combination greenhouse / shed.
Many people have heard of Bitcoin and if you’ve done any research on the overall adoption of blockchain-based money is the speed at which transactions take place. They are too slow for Bitcoin to replace the much-faster methods that Visa and MasterCard use. It needs to be able to handle many transactions per minute.
The advantage, however, is that blockchain based record-keeping is extremely reliable. Bitcoin has proven this because the blockchain is available to anyone, you can go back and look up the very first bitcoin transaction. Any bitcoin transaction is permanently logged, and that’s by design.
In D.A.R.E. class, they taught us that cannabis is categorized as a stimulant, depressant, AND hallucinogen. It slows down your breathing by relaxing your body.
Unlike alcohol, which can only be used only two ways (recreationally or abusively), cannabis can also be used medicinally... to enhance the mind-body connection and allow you to go into a meditative state. When you are in a meditative state, your mind is able to “talk” to your body. That’s when you are able to increase blood flow to the areas of your body that require extra energy.
This article is potentially helpful for RIFE / Spooky2 generator owners who are researching potential uses for the PEMF accessory. It seems positive results would come from simply running 432hz and 528hz through the PEMF coil.
As it turns out the A-musical note was tuned to 432 Hz back 5000 years ago in India and Egypt and through the days of Brahms and Mozart, and in then in 1938 the Illuminati, through collaboration between the Rockefeller Foundation and Nazi Germany, achieved world-wide acceptance of musical A-note re(de)-tuned to 440 Hz. Evidently, it was their intention to remove the healing – soothing effect of music sung or played when tuned at 432 Hz.
This video demonstrates how to use the "Reverse Lookup" feature in the Spooky2 software. In the video you will learn two ways of doing a reverse lookup: one is on an exissting Biofeedback scan that you ran on yourself and saved in a previous biofeedback session. The other technique shows how you can load ANY program into the Control tab and perform a reverse lookup.
First, what I am about to discuss is not medical advice. I am not saying that any of this can cure, treat, or heal you from disease. I am not a doctor. I am not a medical professional, the following information is provided for “entertainment purposes.”
This video demonstrates how to use the Spooky2 software to run a "Biofeedback" scan on yourself. This would normally be done using contact mode and TENS pads on either side of your gut, because your gut is typically the starting point for any healing. You can also put the TENS pads on a specific area of your body but never above the neck or near your heart.
First, what I am about to discuss is not medical advice. I am not saying that any of this can cure, treat, or heal you from disease. I am not a doctor. I am not a medical professional, the following information is provided for “entertainment purposes.”
The New York Times reports on a new study finding that the greatest risk to infants of being infected with the bacteria that causes whooping cough, or pertussis, now comes from their older siblings. The Times explains that this is “probably a result of waning immunity among children and adolescents who had received the DTaP vaccine.”
Indeed, waning immunity is a serious problem with the DTaP combination vaccine (which contains diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis antigens). One recent study published in Pediatrics concluded, “Tdap protection wanes within 2 to 4 years. Lack of long-term protection after vaccination is likely contributing to increases in pertussis among adolescents.”
But the Times is misleading its readers by telling only one part of the story, leaving readers with the impression that simply giving more “booster” shots would solve the problem.
It wouldn’t.
Editor's Note:
The surprising thing was not the fact that meditation works well as a therapy for PTSD. Rather the surprise is what they compared it with: purposely recalling traumatic events! This is something they started doing to soldiers after Vietnam. Previously, soldiers came home and did their best to resume a normal life by focusing on positive thoughts. After Vietnam, US soldiers have been forced into therapy sessions.
Meditation worked as well as traditional therapy for military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder in a small experiment sponsored by the Department of Defense.
One method preferred by the Department of Veterans Affairs is exposure therapy, but it doesn’t work for everyone and many can’t handle what it requires: purposely recalling traumatic events and confronting emotions.
Meditation could be a better choice for some, the researchers said.
This book goes into lots of great detail and it discusses a 5000-year history of cannabis, citing a lot of studies and includes lots of data and charts. BUT, it doesn't mention "Reefer Madness" and the anti-marijuana propaganda of the United States 1930's and 40's. In my opinion, most of the research that the book cites in the 60's and 70's need to be taken with a grain of salt. People who were participating in these studies had been essentially told that marijuana will make you lose your mind and go crazy. So I believe a lot of them 'acted out' the way they believed it would affect them.
I recently came across an article with the following title:
Mathematical Structure for Electromagnetic Frequencies that May Reflect Pilot Waves of Bohm’s Implicate Order (Read More and download the original article under Attachments)
While I agree that it is quite a mouthful, there was a diagram 7 pages into the article that lists out a series of frequencies that are marked “beneficial” and “detrimental."
If I’m understanding this correctly, the “beneficial frequencies” ought to be frequencies that should help “tune up” your cells, get them vibrating correctly.
~ Steve Jobs