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Here is the promised voter registration rolls with analysis on FIVE COUNTIES holding an estimated 92,000 extra Biden votes (AKA, enough to flip the state!)
This is only useful if you guys do something locally with it, demand action, and pressure the living hell out of the PA RINO coalition to have these explained. Every word in this document is understandable and we have the rolls for when they ask.
(see attachment below)
I love getting these types of letters from Big Brother:
Dear Advertiser,
In September 2021, Google will introduce a new strike-based system to enforce against advertisers who repeatedly violate Google Ads policies. We will begin implementing the strike-based system on Sep 21, 2021, with a gradual ramp up over a period of 3 months, for the following policies: Enabling dishonest behavior, Unapproved substances, Guns, gun parts and related products, Explosives, Other Weapons, and Tobacco. The policy coverage of the strike-based system will be expanded to add additional policies in phases over time and advertisers will be notified each time new policies are brought within scope of the strike-based system.
Over the weekend the LPPA has received multiple concerning reports. It seems that the Libertarian and Green party are being excluded from “Motor Voter” registration access. One member provided photo evidence. Under Pennsylvania law both Minor and Major parties are to be listed as a registration option to anyone that wishes to affiliate when being issued a license at a PennDOT. As such PennDOT is in violation of Motor Voter laws since both parties had secured Minor party status in the 2020 general election.
We had hoped this was an isolated incident as it has been in the past however, we are skeptical.
The following information should be helpful if your loved one qualifies for Medicaid and you feel it would be inappropriate to place them in a nursing home.
1. The first term you should be familiar with is Medicaid "waivers" - which means that if someone qualifies for Medicaid, that money can be spent on services to keep them in their home.
It's sometimes referred to as Community Based Services.
FYI / background: DHS used to fund this - it was subcontracted through agencies. Now they use Managed Care Organizations
2. The second term Self Directed Services or the "Consumer model"
This is 1 set of paperwork that legally sets you up as an employer, so that you can hire your friends, family, neighbors, anyone you want - to take care of you, using Medicaid funds. This takes the government out as middleman. There is an app for managing hours, payroll, etc. Restriction: can't hire spouse or power of attorney. Pay starts at $10.87 (PA)
No such thing as a wasted vote!
MANCHESTER, NH – And now for a public service announcement:
It’s Election Day, which means the vote-shaming is almost over. But if you don’t have the stomach for one more day of being ashamed of your personal choice for president, you should probably avoid social media, where there are four basic messages circulating:
All of this "mask safety" talk reminds me of this George Carlin bit on airport security after 9/11:
"Airport security is a stupid idea, it's a waste of money, and it's only there for one reason, to make white people feel safe. That's all. The illusion, the feeling and illusion of safety cause the authorities know they can't make an airplane completely safe..."
This article is primarily aimed at people who are considering running for public office, but the information can be used to form any type of political committee. For example, you don't have to be a candidate running for office, you can be a group of concerned citizens who care about a specific political issue.
Hopefuly this article will help streamline that process because I just had to learn and jump through all of these hoops in the last 2 months. This article will be most applicable to state-level positions but the same approach will work for county and municipal, you'll just be filing your reports with a different office, as I understand.
Can't I run as an individual instead of forming a committee?
Yes, technically you can. And if you take in and spend less than $250 there is a special one-page form that can save you a lot of headaches. That "under $250" form can also be utilized by a campaign committee but I would imagine most will need to use the long form.
Low Turnout:
Expected Win Number: 50,000
Actual win number: 28,500
Website Traffic: Hit Counts
Cost per Vote Analysis - Expected $1 per vote
Mandatory Employee Vaccinations + Adverse Reactions = Workers' Comp Claims?
OSHA stated:
"If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7"
Updated 8/2/21
COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption Documents from "Kaleb in Atlanta"
Solari Report Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections
(see attachments)
Edit 7/14/21: Act 65 of 2021
It appears Pennsylvania is revising their Sunshine Law to require better public notice of meeting agendas (see attachments)
Editor's Note: This poem is intentionally awkward.
In a second class township near you, Auditors don't audit because townships hire a CPA firm instead, making the township is legally eligible for grant money. Unfortunately this defeats the entire purpose of having elected auditors.
Editor's Note:
The government should NOT BE DOING THIS to begin with.
Via Rosemary Brown:
It has been concerning to learn of a data breach impacting more than 70,000 Pennsylvanians who were contact traced for COVID-19. The Legislature is calling for an immediate, independent investigation into how this happened and why it was not addressed sooner by the executive branch.
The Right to Know Law (RTKL) was designed to make government documents more accessible to the public. By filling out a request form, you can request documents from any government agency.
The RTKL governs the release of documents, but it does not answer questions. This can sometimes create a problem: you may know the information you’re looking for, but not know what documents you need to get that information. This is a great time to pick up the phone and call the Agency Open Records Officer (AORO), the person who is responsible for responding to RTK requests.
- President Dwight Eisenhower